When you receive an angel investor contact have you thought about how you intend to approach the angel investor? Remember appearances and etiquette matter and this article looks at the various contact methods that are available. The first rule of thumb when meeting a business angel investor or high net worth individual for the first time is to appreciate how busy they are.[Read More…]
Business Startup Resources
This comprehensive section of business Startup articles provides free information and resources to Startups and Entrepreneurs looking to raise external investment and business financing from business angel investors and Venture Capital. This section deals with the many questions and answers to getting your investment proposal, investor ready, and raising the necessary funds for your business.
Get the best price for your equity – value your company correctly
The first question to ask is: How much Equity are you offering in exchange for Angel Investment? Many entrepreneurs have an emotional attachment to their business or concept and tend to overvalue the business while at the same time refusing to give up any control. So how much equity are you offering an Angel Investor in exchange for his or[Read More…]
How much cash have you invested in your business?
Angel Investors want to see as much investment from an entrepreneur as possible. If an entrepreneur has a serious financial vested interest in their company, the entrepreneur is more likely to work harder to ensure the business’ success. Conversely, if you invest £0 into a company, it makes it easier for an entrepreneur to walk away. If you have your[Read More…]
How will you find an Angel Investor?
Finding an Angel investor can be daunting and whether it’s a face to face meeting or an online presentation, you need to be as professional and well prepared as possible. Here are a few guidelines to assist you in this process. Is there a typical Angel Investor and how do you recognise them? Angels are successful business people who most likely[Read More…]
Should I ever pay upfront fees to an Angel Investor?
This is probably the shortest article you will find on Venture Giants – but possibly the most valuable! You should NEVER pay a legitimate Angel Investor any upfront money for them to invest in your business. Of course there is nothing wrong with paying for a matching service on an online angel investment network or deal review fee to an angel network[Read More…]
How scalable is your business?
Looking at your investment proposal from an Angel Investor’s point of view, how scalable do you think the angel will think you business is? How big do you think you can scale your business? Location only City wide State or Region wide Country wide Globally If you had indicated that your business can or will be scalable on a location[Read More…]
Create the perfect elevator pitch for an Angel Investor
You are an entrepreneur ready to discuss their investment proposal or invention to an Angel Investor looking to invest in early stage, seed, concept or an existing businesses. Let us start this article with a question to test your knowledge as an entrepreneur.Question: How long do you think your elevator pitch should be to an Angel Investor who is serious about[Read More…]
Negotiating an acceptable wage from an Angel Investor
When starting a new company, the reality of business often dictates the Founder will have to go a period of time without a regular salary until profits allow for it. If a new company is using a considerable portion of debt or Angel Investor funds to finance their salary without the company generating profits – this will be a red[Read More…]
Do you own your IP or other proprietary assets?
What is IP? An IP refers to Intellectual Property, typically intangible that is the result of creative input. Intellectual property can be protected in various ways: by a patent, a registered design, copyright, design right, trade mark etc. The type of IP protection you will need depends on what is being protected and how it will be used. Protecting the[Read More…]
Bank or Government Funding for your Startup
Bank or government funding should be viewed the same way as personal cash investments. Most likely you had to sign a personal security note or guarantee when you obtained the funding, so these loans will be your sole personal responsibility. Moreover, if you are looking to valuate your company, this can be factored into the equation as an equity contribution[Read More…]