Venture Giants is closed & not accepting proposals.

Exercise extreme caution with anyone impersonating the name Venture Giants for any purpose or offering loans.

Anyone using the Venture Giants name is NOT associated to us as we are now non-operational.

We will be keeping all of our articles live that have benefited the many startups and entrepreneurs we have served over the years.

We would like to thank you for all of the love and support we received & wish you the very best.


Angel Investment Articles

When the Venture Giants was operational in the UK, hundreds of angel investors and Venture Capitalists registered with the platform. They were looking for angel investment deal-flow from Start-ups and UK businesses and the Venture Giants platform featured many angel investment proposals across 80 sectors and all regions in the UK.

This unique insight allowed us to create articles that could help entrepreneurs and startups value and negotiate their start-ups when dealing with Investors.

We hope that the following articles and resources assist you with your quest in raising funds from angels.

Disclaimer: We provide Information, NOT advice or recommendations. The articles we have published do not offer investment advice and nothing in them should be construed as investment advice. Our article provide general information for start-ups, entrepreneurs and investors who can make their investment decisions without advice

Venture Giants Articles

What type of an Entrepreneur are you

What type of an Entrepreneur are you?

When asked on a regular basis what I do, I always state that I am an “Entrepreneur and an Investor” which always inevitably leads to the question: ‘yes, but what is it that you do?’ – as though being an entrepreneur isn’t enough, or a valid qualification. Many entrepreneurs forget that they are NOT defined by their business or businesses.[Read More…]

Raise Money Why choosing the wrong industry sector could cost you your business

Raise Money: Why choosing the wrong industry sector could cost you your business

This may seem a boring subject to most experienced entrepreneurs so I thought it appropriate to start with a question – a question most get wrong. Q: What industry sector classification do you think Google should fall under? Computers? Software? Search engine? (trick question, search engine is not an industry sector!) Google is in fact in advertising (media) as 97% of their[Read More…]

Angel Investment Funding Vs. Venture Capital investment

Angel Investment Funding vs Venture Capital Investment

Contrary to what you are seeing in the press there is excess capital and too few investment opportunities. A large amount of high net worth individuals in the West are seeking to diversify their portfolios away from traditional investments as a hedge against stock market volatility and historically low interest rates. In times of recession, the two best investment classes[Read More…]

About Venture Giants

Venture Giants has now closed

Venture Giants has now closed its business operations. Launched in 2010, Venture Giants had countless UK angel investors and Venture Capitalists register with the platform looking for investment deal-flow across 80 sectors in the UK. This unique data has allowed us to create entrepreneur resources and business startup articles which we have published on the website in the hopes that[Read More…]